MPA Young Investigator Award (YIA): Oral Presentation
1015 - 1100 (HALL 1)
Opening Ceremony
1130 - 1300 (HALL 1)
Symposium 1: Thyroid
1130 - 1300 (HALL 2)
Symposium 2: Endocrinopathies In Chronic Diseases
1300 - 1400 (HALL 2)
Satellite Symposium 2: GSK
1400 - 1445 (HALL 1)
Plenary 2: Nutrition Diabetes
1445 - 1530 (HALL 1)
Meet The Expert 1
1445 - 1530 (HALL 2)
Meet The Expert 2
1615 - 1745 (HALL 1)
Symposium 3: Bone
1615 - 1745 (HALL 2)
Symposium 4: Obesity & Diabetes
27th November 2021 (Day 2)
0800 - 0845 (HALL 1)
Plenary 3: Pituitary Tumours, Growth
0845 - 0945 (HALL 1)
0845 - 0945 (HALL 2)
1100 - 1230 (HALL 1)
Symposium 5: Growth
1100 - 1230 (HALL 2)
Symposium 6: Nutrition and Growth
1300 - 1400 (HALL 1)
Satellite Symposium 3: KYOWA KIRIN Phosphorus - The Forgotten Mineral for Strong Bone
1300 - 1400 (HALL 2)
Satellite Symposium 4: PFIZER
1400 - 1500 (HALL 1)
Oral Presentation Session 1 Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
1400 - 1500 (HALL 2)
Oral Presentation Session 2 Growth
1500 - 1630 (HALL 1)
Symposium 7: Adrenal/DSD
1500 - 1630 (HALL 2)
Symposium 8: Puberty
1715 - 1800 (HALL 1)
Meet The Expert 3
1715 - 1800 (HALL 2)
Meet The Expert 4
28th November 2021 (Day 3)
0800 - 0845 (HALL 1)
Meet The Expert 5
0800 - 0845 (HALL 2)
Meet The Expert 6
0845 - 0930 (HALL 1)
Plenary 4: Diabetes
1030 - 1130 (HALL 1)
Oral Presentation Session 3 Puberty
1030 - 1130 (HALL 2)
Oral Presentation Session 4 Thyroid
1130 - 1300 (HALL 1)
Symposium 9: Diabetes
1300 - 1400 (HALL 1)
Satellite Symposium 5: IPSEN Central Precocious Puberty (CPP): Decoding the patient journey to optimize treatment outcomes
1300 - 1400 (HALL 2)
Satellite Symposium 6: GENESCIENCE Growth Hormone Treatment in Non-GHD Patients: Result from clinical studies
1400 - 1530 (HALL 2)
Symposium 10: Thyroid
1530 - 1600 (HALL 1)
Closing Ceremony
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