APPES 2021

Organising Committee

Welcome Message

On behalf of the Malaysian Paediatric Association (MPA) and the organising committee, it gives me great pleasure and privilege to invite you to the 11th Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society (APPES) Biennial Scientific Meeting held in conjunction with the 42nd Annual Congress of the Malaysian Paediatric Association (MPA) will be proceeding as a full virtual conference from 26th – 28th November 2021.

Staging APPES 2021 in Malaysia will be a good opportunity for paediatric endocrinologists as well as paediatricians in general from the Asia Pacific region to gather at a common place and exchange their knowledge and expertise while sharing their experiences.

Bringing the theme of “NURTURE, EDUCATE AND BEST PRACTICES OF CARE OF CHILDREN WITH ENDOCRINE DISORDERS & DIABETES”, the objective of this important meeting goes hand in hand with APPES mission and vision. This theme also emphasizes our hope to improve knowledge, provide best practice and increase collaboration in the field of paediatric endocrinology among the members from Asia Pacific countries and the world.

Strategically located at the center of the vast Asia Pacific region, Malaysia is the perfect location for APPES 2021. It is a renowned tourist destination in Asia, boasting a multicultural society living in a blend of old and new world charms, in addition to its stable political climate and robust economy.

Thank you and welcome to Kuala Lumpur for APPES 2021 and the 42nd MPA Annual Congress.

Professor Dr Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin
Organising Chairman,
APPES 2021

Local Organising Committee

Organising Congress Chairperson

Muhammad Yazid JALALUDIN

Organising Congress Vice Chairperson