This session will be presented as a series of case vignettes to highlight different areas of Endocrinology where more pressing clinical attention may be required. Topics to be covered include sodium management post neurosurgical procedures/cerebral trauma, calcium disorders in infancy, profound hypothyroidism, neonatal Grave’s disease and thyroid storm. For sodium management, the importance of accurate fluid balance and assessment of hydration state will be highlighted. The triphasic response post neurosurgery will be addressed, as will the management of cerebral salt wasting. The differential diagnosis of hypercalcaemia in infancy will be discussed, along with its management. The importance of calcium assessment with seizure presentation will be flagged, as will the recommendation to treat hypocalcaemia with oral therapy wherever possible due to the risks of intravenous calcium. Finally three thyroid cases will be presented, highlighting different aspects of acute thyroid management, such as
the need to be vigilant in infants of mothers with Grave’s disease, and the management of the rare condition of thyroid storm.