APPES 2021


Firdaus Mukhtar



Behaviour management for childhood malnutrition
Symposium 6 (Hall 2)
30th November -0001 (1100-1230)

Child malnutrition may be defined as a pathological state resulting from inadequate nutrition, including undernutrition due to insufficient intake of energy and other nutrients; overnutrition due to excessive consumption of energy and other nutrients; deficiency diseases due to insufficient intake of one or more specific nutrients such as vitamins or minerals. Behavioural Management strategies are the mainstay for the management of children malnutrition and are deigned to reinforce positive behaviours and minimize maladaptive behaviours. These strategies include a combination of modification of mealtime scheduling, meal duration, and mealtime transitions, as well as positive reinforcement and discrimination training. It is important that parents work alongside with other medical and allied health professionals in order to understand the range of possible strategies and apply the suitable type of behavioural intervention.

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