APPES 2021


Cindy Ho Wei Li



Growth in Childhood Cancer Survivors (CCS)
Symposium 5 (Hall 1)
30th November -0001 (1100-1230)

Advances in cancer treatment meant improved long-term survival for patients diagnosed with cancer and increasing number of adults who are childhood cancer survivors. Many factors have been associated with the observed height impairments, apart from the cancer itself. They include the use of cranial irradiation with its risk of growth hormone deficiency and precocious puberty, spinal irradiation, intensive chemotherapeutic regimen including use of glucocorticoids, pubertal arrest due to gonadal failure, episodes of infection, malnutrition and occurrence of vertebral compression fractures. The loss of height can be associated with a poorer quality of life in the cancer survivor and hence it is paramount that paediatric endocrinologists be aware of and help to make a timely diagnosis of these conditions that are amendable to treatment to maximise the final adult height of our childhood cancer survivors.

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