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0830 - 1010
Chairperson: Tai Chian Wern
Feeding the malnourished child in the PICU
Chor Yek Kee
Early enteral nutrition: What’s more important, timing or amount?
Lee Jan Hau
Importance of micronutrients
Pravin a/l Sugunan @ Vasanthan
Nutritional support teams and protocols: The evidence
Pustika Efar
Q&A session
1010 - 1015
Break / Virtual booth
1015 - 1045
1045 - 1115
Chairperson: Tang Swee Fong
Ventilator-induced lung injury in children: A reality?
Martin Kneyber
1115 - 1145
Chairperson: Tang Swee Fong
Therapies for Covid-19
Charlotte Summers
1145 - 1230
1230 - 1300
Chairperson: Nahla Irtiza Ismail
Prognostication in intensive care, anything new?
Hans Flaatten
1300 - 1330
Chairperson: Nahla Irtiza Ismail
Leadership during COVID-19: Lessons learnt
Maurizio Cecconi
1330 - 1345
HALL 1 Closing Speech by President
Best poster and oral presentation awards
Lucky draw and prize giving