Dr Wan Nasrudin bin Wan Ismail has basic medical degree from USM, M.D(USM) in 1991 then pursue post-graduate anesthesia training in UKM. Completed the master training in 2000. He joined fellowship training for intensive care in 2005, had training in various places including Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore. He is a member for European Society of Intensive Care. He also has also successfully passed the European Diploma in Intensive Care in 2010.
Special interest :
Haemodynamic monitoring, Imaging and echocardiography and
thrombolytic therapy
Current position :
Consultant Anesthesiologist and Intensivist at Hospital Raja
Perempuan Zainab II, K.Bharu. also a director for Intensive Care
Services at HRPZ II.
Honorary lecture with Universiti Sains Malaysia.