ASMIC 2021


Soo Kok Wai


Graduated with Doctor of Medicine (MD) from Universiti Putra Malaysia @ 2005. Began housemanship in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang until completion of Membership of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH) @ 2010. Continue to serve as Paediatrician in Klang until move to Institut Jantung Negara @ 2012 to begin training in Paediatric Cardiology.
Subspecialising in Cardiac Intensive care with a fellowship in Intensive care at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne in 2016. Servicing as Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist/Cardiac Intensivist since 2018.

Management of cardiac arrhythmias in the PICU

SYMPOSIUM 2 - Paediatrics: Endocrine and Cardiac (Hall 2)
3rd September 2021 (0900 - 1040)

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