Dato’ Dr. Mohd Basri Mat Nor is a Senior Consultant at Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Kulliyyah (School) of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He is also a Senior Consultant in Intensive Care and Head of Intensive Care Service at IIUM Medical Centre. He is one of the pioneers in intensive care medicine specialist in the country and has been elected as President of Malaysian Society of Intensive, for two terms from 2017 until 2021. He obtained his medical degree from Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and National University of Ireland, Dublin in 1990. He obtained M.Med (Anaesthesiology) from University of Malaya in 1998 and then pursued subspecialty training (fellowship) in intensive care medicine for four years in Australia and completed EDIC in 2004. After serving Hospital Kuala Lumpur for two years as specialist, he joined IIUM in 2000. He was the Head of Research and Innovation (HORI) of IIUM Medical Faculty from 2017 to 2021 and currently re-appointed as Head of Department Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care. His research areas include sepsis biomarkers, nutrition in critically ill, mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory failure and Antibiotics PK/PD. International position:Council member of Asia-Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine, board member of Asia Ventilator Forum, and recently elected as committee member, intensive & critical care medicine section, World Federation of Anaesthesiologists from 2021 to 2013. He is subeditor of Acute and Crtical Care Journal and IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia.