Prof Forni trained in medicine in London following initial training in Biochemistry and a PhD in Physical Chemistry. His medical postgraduate training was spent principally at St Thomas’ Hospital and St George’s Hospital in London. His early research focussed on the chemical mechanisms underpinning oxidative stress but later focussed principally in critical care nephrology particularly with respect to buffering agents for CRRT and acid-base balance. He also has interests in peri- operative medicine including cardiopulmonary exercise testing. He has been a consultant in ICM and Nephrology for over 20 years and during that time has maintained a broad interest in critical care medicine particularly critical care nephrology. Current research interest includes risk assessment for AKI, the use of biomarkers and electronic alerting systems for AKI, buffering agents for the treatment of AKI and the use of blood purification techniques in sepsis. He was a clinical advisor for NCEPOD during the AKI: Insult vs. Injury study and a co-author of the European Guidelines for Prevention of AKI in ICU patients. During the pandemic he was an author for the NICE guidelines in treating Cobid-19 AKI as well as a faculty member of the ADQI consensus statements. He was chair of the AKI section of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and is now secretary to the ESICM. He has lectured extensively on AKI in the critically ill locally, nationally and internationally. When he has spare time he can be found sailing, playing the guitar badly or bemoaning the form of Tottenham Hotspur.