3rd September 2021

0900 - 1040

SYMPOSIUM 1 - Sepsis

Chairperson: Nor’ Azim Mohd Yunos

Immunothrombosis: The key to sepsis pathogenesis and diagnosis
Alison Fox-Robichaud

Fluids versus vasopressors in septic shock - Less is more
Andrew Udy

Sepsis Hysteria - A balanced view of life, death and our ability to alter outcomes
Mervyn Singer

Vitamin C in septic shock - Where does the evidence leave us?
Andrew Udy

Q&A session

1040 - 1050

Break / Virtual booth

1050 - 1120

Satellite Symposium (Medtronic)

The art of Intubation during the COVID era in intensive care: A masterclass of its own
Carolyn Yim Chue Wai

1120 - 1150


Chairperson: Noor Airini Ibrahim
Medico-legal implications in the ICU
Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Ariff

1150 - 1220


Chairperson: Noor Airini Ibrahim
COVID-19 effects on the kidney
Lui Forni

1220 - 1250


Chairperson: Noor Airini Ibrahim
Immunomodulatory therapies for COVID-19 - Two sides to every coin
Mervyn Singer

1250 - 1315

Break / Virtual booth / Friday prayers

1315 - 1415

Satellite Symposium (Sanofi-Aventis)

VTE risk prediction in ICU
Lee Chew Kiok

Interactive case discussion: Balancing antithrombotic efficacy and bleeding risk in VTE
Lee Chew Kiok

1430 - 1610

SYMPOSIUM 4 - Workplace Welfare

Chairperson: Tai Li Ling

Health care professional burnout - The individual or the system
Adrian Wong

Resilience - Individual performance optimisation
Charley Greentree

Moral distress among health care professionals
Sheila Gopal Krishnan

Building resilience into your workplace
Charley Greentree

Q&A session

1610 - 1655

Satellite Symposium (Grifols)

Fluid resuscitation and hemodynamic support in sepsis and ARDS
Antonio Artigas Raventos

1700 - 1735

Best Poster Presentation

1735 - 1810

T Sachithanandan Oral Free Paper Presentation

Chairperson: Gan Chin Seng