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Abstract ID | Abtract Title |
A-0083 | Pre-Funeral Ceremonies from Xunzi's Perspective |
A-0085 | Patient and caregiver perspectives of an early palliative care intervention (ENABLE-SG) for advanced cancer: A qualitative study |
A-0086 | Application of Technology in Palliative Care: Clinical Practice of Generative AI Nursing Record System |
A-0088 | Investigating the Impact of Scenario-Based Role-Plays on Development of Empathy & Communication Skills in Palliative Care Nursing |
A-0090 | A Shift Towards Home-Based End-of-Life Care: A Case Report on Terminal Pancreatic Cancer in Japan |
A-0091 | To Feed or Not to Feed: The Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Dilemma in Malignant Bowel Obstruction (MBO) |
A-0092 | Changes in Palliative Care Awareness after Education Targeting Healthcare Professionals in a Tertiary Hospital by Palliative Care Consultation Team |
A-0094 | Palliative Care Day Programs: How Can We Do Better? |
A-0095 | Clinical Buddhist Chaplain |
A-0096 | Decoding the Complex Matrix of Cancer Pain: Navigating the Challenges of Symptom Management and Rehabilitation |
A-0100 | The Beginning is the End: End-of-life Approach for a Newborn in a Tertiary Hospital in the Philippines |
A-0101 | Exploring the Application of Digital Media Recruitment Strategies in the Study of Health Care Providers for Indigenous Cancer Patients |
A-0102 | Obstacles and Challenges of the State Mechanism in Managing the Activities of Civil Society Organizations:A Case Study of Civil Society Organizations Operating in Palliative Care. |
A-0103 | An Exploratory Study: The Impact on Service Users’ Grief & Bereavement Using the Dual-Process Model in Open Grief Support Groups |
A-0105 | The Transformation and Analysis of Care Needs of Terminal Cancer Patients |
A-0106 | The Pressure Analysis of Clinicians on the Care Needs of Cancer Patients |
A-0107 | A Case Study on the Quality of Palliative Care for the Elderly with Neurocognitive Disorder |
A-0109 | Depression as a Terminal Illness - is there a place for Palliative Care? |
A-0110 | The Effect of Advance Care Planning Simulation Teaching on Improving Nursing Students’ Communication Competence |
A-0111 | Mapping Palliative Care Availability and Accessibility: A First Step to Eradicating Access Deserts in the Low- and Middle-Income Settings |
A-0112 | Establishment of Palliative Care Centre under the Religious Principle and Social Participation |
A-0113 | The Effect of Frequency-Focused Exercise Therapy on Cancer-Related Fatigue. |
A-0114 | An Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Home and Day Hospice Patients with End-Stage Chronic Lung Disease |
A-0115 | Cross-Sectional Study on Palliative Spiritual Care in a Hospice Ward in Southern Taiwan |
A-0118 | Caregiver Strain, Anxiety and Depression among Family Caregivers of Adult Cancer Patients in Zamboanga City Medical Center |
A-0122 | Progressive Neurological Decline in a 41-Year-Old Male: A Case Report on Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and the Role of Hospice Care |
A-0126 | Practices, Barriers and Facilitators for Specialist Palliative Care Referral Among doctors in the Department of Cardiology of Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Singapore. |
A-0127 | A Holistic Integrated Approach to Palliative Fungating Wound Care : A Joint Single Observational Case Study |
A-0128 | Analysis of systemic opioid prescribing patterns for dyspnea in opioid-naïve cancer patients |
A-0129 | Renal Replacement Therapy vs Conservative Kidney Management in Elderly patients with Stage 5 CKD in Brunei Darussalam |
A-0131 | Enhancing End-of-Life Care in the ICU: The Impact of Shared Decision-Making on Palliative Care and Family Satisfaction |
A-0132 | A lived experience of nurses to maintain dignity of patients with life-limiting illness |
A-0134 | Experiential analysis of withdrawal of life-sustaining care for terminal patients |
A-0135 | Assessing Knowledge Levels of Community Health Workers in Pediatric Palliative Care: Bridging Gaps for Better Child Outcomes |
A-0136 | Factors influencing readiness for advance care planning among cancer caregivers: A mixed-methods study in China |
A-0137 | Empowering Adolescent and Young Adult End-of-Life Care: Tools and Interventions |
A-0138 | Home Extubation in a Child with Neuroblastoma - Case Report |
A-0139 | Palliative Care in Improving QOL of Myxofibrosarcoma Patient in a Nursing Home in Binjai, North Sumatera, Indonesia: Case Report |
A-0141 | Valuing Dignity in Life and Death: End-of-Life Care Policy and Death Literacy in India |
A-0142 | Hypopigmentation Induced by Drugs Commonly Used in Palliative Care – A Case Report and Scoping Review |
A-0143 | “Cue, Line!”: Exploring the perspective and experiences of Internal Medicine Residents in conducting Goals of Care Discussions within the hospital setting. |
A-0144 | Empowering Patients and Supporting Decision-Making in End-of-Life Care in Japan Using a Three-Stage Protocol |
A-0146 | Unplanned Readmissions in palliative care services in RIPAS Hospital |
A-0147 | Belief and perception of young females of Jharkhand for Self-Breast Examination (SBE) for prevention of breast cancer: Triangulation study |
A-0149 | Using artificial intelligence to create music, composing the final symphony of life for terminally ill patients. |
A-0150 | Moral Distress among Healthcare Professionals Caring for serious illness in low- and middle-income Countries: A Mixed-Method Systematic Review |
A-0151 | A study on the learning process of advance care planning personnel to promote patient right to autonomy care in outpatient clinics in hospitals of Chiayi area |
A-0156 | Case sharing of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine for the control of intestinal obstruction symptoms in hospice patients |
A-0157 | Analysis of the status quo of diagnosis and treatment of elderly inpatients in the palliative care center of a Chinese Tertiary Hospital |
A-0158 | Enhancing Cognitive Function and Social Connections in Community-Dwelling Elderly through Instrumental Music Learning |